‘Once Upon a Time’ season 5 spoilers: The title for the 100th episode is…

Once -The 100th episode of “Once Upon a Time” is going to be coming your way soon …. but by “soon,” we mean early next year more so than right now. This episode will be the spring premiere and March, and will take us on a completely different journey potentially than anything we have seen to date.

Also, the title happens to be the same as a Bruce Springsteen song (wait, isn’t that “Arrow’s” thing?): “Souls of the Departed.” This news was confirmed on Twitter by none other than co-creator Adam Horowitz, who happened to write this episode alongside fellow showrunner Edward Kitsis.

As far as what this could be a reference to aside from The Boss, think along the lines of the underworld. That has been hinted for a while as the potential direction we are going for the second half of the season, and it’s an exciting concept. If the show goes there, you can have a chance to effectively see almost any character who has ever appeared on the show. (Personally, we like to think of Sheriff Graham as being in a better place.) We already know that the series is casting a rather devilish person who could have ties to the devil.

Before we get to this story, though, we do have to continue to tell the tale of the Dark Swan, and whatever other trials and tribulations could be coming her way the rest of the season. Be sure to be on the lookout for a variety of further news about her as it comes up.

Want to get some other news right now when it comes to “Once Upon a Time”? Then be sure to head over to the link here right away to find out who from past seasons is returning for this episode!

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