‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 17 spoilers: More details on ’19 Kids and Counting’ inspired episode

Law & Order: SVU logoIf you fancy yourself a devoted member of the “Law & Order: SVU” viewing family, then you are more than likely familiar already with the fact that this is a show that makes no effort to run from controversy. Even over the past few days, they have experienced quite a bit of discussion over an episode that spotlight racial tensions and the many complications that are present within that relationship.

So there is no easy transition between that sort of subject matter and reality TV, but that is the transition we’re making anyway going into the November 4 episode entitled “Patrimonial Burden.” You may have heard a thing or two already about this particular story having a true-life component thanks to the Duggar family on TLC, and while the synopsis below does hint at that too much, it does give you a general sense of what you can expect:

“The SVU investigates an unraveling web of secrets when the virtuous 13 year-old daughter of a famous reality TV family discovers she’s pregnant.”

This 13-year old is one of many children in this household; while there are not going to be 19 of them, there will be enough for you to be able to realize that the Josh Duggar scandal is more than likely what the writers are getting at here. In true “SVU” fashion, there will be enough that separates this case from what happened with the Duggar family to keep it from being a carbon-copy, but at the same time there will be enough that is similar for you to draw those parallels.

(Photo: NBC.)

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