Could ‘Daredevil’ season 2 (or any other Netflix show) contain a movie crossover?
Throughout the past year or so, we have seen Marvel prove themselves to be a force to be reckoned with inside the streaming universe. For example, “Daredevil” was a sensational product the first time out, and based on what we’ve seen to date, “Jessica Jones” looks pretty awesome.
When you consider this, is it really possible that the studio could start to actually promote them further, such as by bringing either them into the movies, or the movie characters more into the show? It feels like they are definitely deserving, especially from our vantage point that things of quality should be praised and illuminated. What we can tell you is that these are things that are at least under consideration, though Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige was coy on if it could actually happen in an Entertainment Weekly:
“That’s inevitable at some point. Going forward, as they continue to do more shows and cast them with such great actors, particularly in the Daredevil show, that [crossover] may occur.”
The biggest issue, per Feige, is strictly a matter of getting the schedules to work because of how quickly TV shows are able to generate new content versus the movies:
“By the time we start doing a movie, [a show will] be midway through a season, and by the time our movies comes out they’d be done with the second and starting the third season … The schedules don’t always match up to make that possible. It’s easier for them. They’re more nimble and produce things faster than we do. That’s one reason you see the repercussions of Winter Soldier or Age of Ultron in the shows.”
What we’d personally be interested in seeing is something along the lines of getting a Bruce Banner or a Steve Rogers to turn up even briefly in Hell’s Kitchen,” and maybe take part in a one-shot story that has little impact on the feature films. It would not detract from the show, and it would bring individual attention to products that certainly deserve all of the love they can get.