‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Guess who’s back? (Cue maniacal laughter)
You know all of those jokes that has been made about CBS trying to find a way to throw Frankie / Ariana Grande into the “Big Brother” house this year? Well, that did happen on Friday.
One of the reasons why the feeds were down all day yesterday was to make sure that we had Liz, who won the luxury competition, and also Vanessa escorted to an Ariana Grande concert, where they had the “once in a lifetime” opportunity to hang out with the season 16 star and (at least briefly) his sister.
Here’s what we don’t like about the reward: It just feels like deliberate pandering from CBS to get more of Frankie on the show, and all of the social-media buzz that executives seem to think matter right now. Frankie actually was a pretty good player for the first few weeks last season, at least until he got his hand caught in the cookie jar too many times. Then, there was the whole “make sure the camera is focused on me while I tell everyone the story about who I really am” bit during “After Dark” … and then after that it slipped into an “I can’t” mentality for the rest of the season. Frankie still had good moments after that as a player, but he was so much harder to watch from our vantage point.
We have to be honest here: Would he be involved in a luxury competition if he wasn’t Ariana’s brother? We don’t think anything he necessarily did last season was that memorable. We would have preferred almost a strategy session with Derrick similar to what Emmett provided in the past on “Big Brother Canada,” or maybe just bring Mr. Pec-Tacular back to teach them how to flex.
Anyhow, Steve and Johnny Mac are now on the block, and we’ve heard talk about John being willing to throw the Veto (again). Steve’s probably the target right now, which seemed like it was going to happen either this week or next anyway. The Veto’s later, so we’ll see what happens.
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