‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The beginnings of a campaign
Meg, despite her “Grandma” nickname and her complete lack of challenge ability, is a pretty solid social player on “Big Brother.” That’s why you should not be altogether shocked that she is trying to figure out an interesting way to make sure that she stays for the week.
We’ve said all along that her best course of action is to go to Johnny Mac and Steve and try to figure out a way for her to stay over Julia. However, she and James instead have come up with a bizarre plan where they encourage Austin to vote to evict Julia, and then try to blame the vote on Steve. It’s not a terrible idea to get Steve in hot water, but isn’t it a little too risky for Austin? All it would take is for Steve to actually vote to evict Julia or Johnny Mac to do in order for Liz’s twin to leave the game this week.
Meg has also approached John with an overture, saying that he was discussed as a replacement nominee this week over Julia by Austin and the twins. It’s not really that effective of a campaign strategy for her, since Vanessa already told him this.
The reality is that it’s going to be really tough for Meg to figure out a way to stay. While it’d be super-fun if John and Steve flipped the game and teamed up with her and James moving forward, they probably feel more secure at the moment sticking with Vanessa, where she is perceived as a huge threat and they know at this point that she needs them.
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