‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The (current) nomination plan and the Scamper Squad

LizWhile we know that it is easy to groan about something such as an apparently dominant alliance on “Big Brother 17,” we do think that there is still some value in trying to see its inner machinations.

This is what makes Liz as Head of Household this week somewhat interesting. This is the first time this season that we’ve seen her in power for an extended amount of time, and what is good for her and Austin is not necessarily good for Vanessa. At the moment, their plan is fairly simple: Nominate John and Becky, and hope that somewhere along the way they can make sure that they have the votes in order to get John out even though Vanessa would rather evict Becky. There are six people voting, and in theory Austin, Vanessa, Julia, and Steve should be able to control what happens.

One other alliance note here: Apparently Freaks and Geeks, which is Austwins plus Vanessa and Steve, is now known as the Scamper Squad. We don’t know why it took so long for them to come up with a name that the show could actually use, but that’s what happened.

At the moment, the main note of interest here is that Vanessa wants Becky out, and there’s no way that Steve is going to vote to evict John. Therefore, if James and Meg can be convinced to vote to evict Becky in the event the nominations stay the same, she could actually go home over John and Liz and Austin’s plan could go up in smoke.

We don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves here, though, since there is still plenty of time left in the week. Austin is well aware that Vanessa has been playing the game hard, and there are some scenarios in which we could envision him turning on her … though it’s unlikely. There’s also a chance that James gets made into a replacement nominee in the event that someone wins the Power of Veto and uses it.

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