‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: A conflicted Steve; an aggressive Johnny Mac

JohnFor those of you wanting to see Johnny Mac actually make a move in the “Big Brother” house, this is your weekend! For the first time we are seeing the “rockstar dentist” really get the strategic wheels turning, and he is doing almost everything in his power to ensure that his current archenemy in the house in Vanessa is sent home.

While John is not doing a particularly great job of putting all of the pieces together, he has at least figured something out: Every person who fights with Vanessa is sent home soon after. Look at Da’Vonne, Jeff, Audrey, and Clay as examples of this very thing. He had a fight with her on Thursday, and he realizes now that the writing on the wall is there for him.

Here’s where things get messy: The way that Steve finds himself in the middle of everything. He has the Freaks and Geeks alliance, and he has that final two deal with Vanessa. However, at the same time he has a similar deal with John. His allies want to get each other out of the game, and he’s in a pickle as to where to go. Ultimately, his thinking seems to be this: Let Johnny Mac and Becky get the blood on their hands (John really wants Vanessa to know that he is evicting her) and not really do anything. That includes not winning the Veto.

We love Steve, and we relate very much to him as sort of the awkward person. However, not trying to win the Veto is insane. It didn’t work for Jordan on “Big Brother Canada,” and it’s not going to work for him here. Nobody in the house is going to begrudge Steve fighting to ensure his safety. Also, having Shelli and Vanessa on the block together is another way to ensure that she goes home.

If it ends up being Steve vs. Vanessa, we do still think she will go … but it’ll be close. Austin, the twins, and Shelli could vote to keep her, but then James, Meg, Jackie, and John would vote to evict, with the tiebreaker being Becky as HoH.

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