‘American Horror Story: Hotel’ spoilers: Max Greenfield subject of most controversial scene to date

AHSWho knew that Schmidt from “New Girl” was going to be someone who would be subject to one of the messed-up things in the history of “American Horror Story“? That seems to be the case behind Max Greenfield’s upcoming appearance on the show, one that could end up ultimately showing him off to his fans in a completely different light.

Executive producer Ryan Murphy made his second appearance in two days today at the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour in order to promote the series, and he did his part to explain per TVLine just how this entire (and disturbing) plan for the show ended up actually coming together:

“He plays an addict who checks into the hotel and tangles with Sarah Paulson … I said [to him], ‘I have a feeling that you can and want to do something really f—ked up.’ And he said, ‘How did you know?’ So he cut off his beautiful hair and dyed it. And I think he’s lost 30 pounds. Yesterday, I talked to him and his waist I think is down to a 27. So he’s really committed to it.”

What we’re really interested in now is if this will change the appearance of Schmidt over on the Fox series, or if producers there will try to just fit Max with some sort of wig.

Either way, hearing all of this makes us even more excited to see what Greenfield is going to bring to the series. We’ve known for some time that he is an excellent performer, but we’ve always wanted to see him try some new things that could be even more disturbing than we have seen in recent memory.

If you missed the news earlier, head over to this link to find out more about when “American Horror Story: Hotel” is actually going to be premiering! Also, you can sign up here to score some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: FX.)

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