‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Steve’s tough spot; America’s Player chatter

steveLet’s start this particular “Big Brother” update with what we feel is the biggest amount of scuttlebutt right now from the live feeds: America’s Player … which may or may not be happening. Overnight there was a feed leak that featured James mentioning America’s Player and being “congratulated” for it.

Should we take this seriously? Our answer is no. To us, it feels like he was just joking around and whoever was interviewing him in the DR was being sarcastic about it. America’s Player has been a running joke for the past few weeks, mostly because Vanessa has been convinced frequently that someone among her fellow competitors just so happens to be this mystery person acting out America’s bidding.

Now, back to the game. Last night Becky went ahead and prepared her nominees in Steve and Shelli for the fact that they will go on the block, but then told them different things. Steve was informed that he was a decoy and not the final target, but she did not say who. However, she then told Shelli that she was going after Vanessa! We tried to give Becky the benefit of the doubt last night, but the more we’ve thought about it the more we loathe her plan to backdoor Becky this week. Just look at it this way. What if she nominates Steve and Shelli, and then Vanessa wins Veto and takes Shelli off? Steve (someone who she could have used down the road) goes home potentially against someone like an Austin or a Liz, and both Shelli and Vanessa could be left to go after her.

Hopefully, someone will convince her to make a different move today such as just putting Shelli and Vanessa up outright, that way you guarantee that one of the two of them ends up getting evicted rather than dancing around the idea and being “clever.” There is still time for her to change it up, and given the amount of information she’s already spilled, there’s a pretty good chance Vanessa will learn about the backdoor plan and freak out.

We’ll be back later with more strategy and nominations over at the link here. Stay tuned, and sign up here if you are interested in getting some more TV news on everything we cover courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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