‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Clay plays the martyr and more

ClayThere were so many different things happening now on “Big Brother 17” that we did not expect weeks ago. Take, for example, Meg and James being a close alliance without someone like Jason around to bind them together. Or, the idea of Clay and Shelli both being on the block at the same time, or Vanessa, Austin, and the twins distancing themselves somewhat from the pair.

Austin confirmed with the twins tonight that if one of them wins the Power of Veto tomorrow, their best course of action is to not use it on either one of them. Why? If they choose to, then there is a good chance that someone within their group gets put on the block … and nobody wants to risk that, given that Clay and Shelli are going to campaign their butts off. They already are in an attempt to have Becky be the backdoor target.

For those wondering Clay is completely taking the martyr approach now to being on the block, and states that he will Veto Shelli off in the event that he wins and fall on his own sword. This is something that men in showmances have claimed they will do before, so it’s not that shocking … especially since Clay seems like one of those guys who thinks that this is the honorable thing for him to do or whatever.

As for a few other notes on the night…

1. Johnny Mac and Becky are a little more officially working together now. This has been a bad day for J-Mac’s internet popularity; he’s spread information around more than usual, which has caused some people online to call him a rat.

2. Austin feels like he owes James a lot right now for not nominating him or the twins, and this could be something to watch moving into future weeks.

3. Is Steve a good final two goat? We’re starting to wonder, since not very many people in the house seem to like him, and he has made so few big moves.

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