‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: A tale of two ‘showmances’

 Liz -It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … wait, we should correct that. It was the best of times for Shelli tonight, since she had a chance in the “Big Brother” backyard to hear of countless great takes on Clay’s relationship philosophy. Clearly, she has great expectations for something more than a romance beyond this bleak house, no? She wants Clay, Clay seems to want her, but her refusal to kiss on camera means that she may have to wait to the old curiosity shop known as jury house to do so.

Now, we turn to Liz. Clearly, Austin is the Oliver Twist of this situation, repeatedly asking through his body language “may I have some more?” Liz is saying “no” in just about every way she physically can other than running away from the hammock. This romance is dead as a doornail, but she doesn’t want to make an enemy out of him. So she puts up with his closeness and plots her escape. Tonight, this escape came in Liz bringing out cookies, and it came after he tried to hold her hand.

Seriously, the feeds thought we would be interested in seeing these romances pretty much for a solid hour tonight, thinking that maybe one of them could be the stuff of classic literature. Here’s the truth: It’s not gonna happen most likely. Hard Times is going to be the title best used to describe them many months from now, let alone weeks.

These two showmances, diametrically opposed as they are, have a mutual friend in the form of Vanessa, who may try to loosely keep them together depending on what happens next week … though we envision that there is a part of Shelli looking at Austin like he is the Ghost of Christmas Past. She doesn’t have the same trust in his as she once did.

With so little game talk or so little anything to close out the night, we turn to the mystery of Audrey Middleton, who last we saw was going back to the Diary Room. At this point, we just want her to be okay. Now that this has been going on for the most part for two days, we’re past the point where we think that this is any sort of ploy.

Since Audrey’s story is not something we feel that comfortable to discuss right now, let’s go back to showmances, being that this is a theme for the night. Charles Dickens wrote two separate endings to Great Expectations, with the first one being too melancholy to ultimately receive proper circulation. Somehow, Austin and Liz are more melancholy than that ending. Meanwhile, Shelli and Clay currently are the happier ending that you will find in most bookstores today, the Pip and Estella who presumably could walk away from this happy for a time. We’re talking about this both in terms of romance, and in terms of this game. They’ve set themselves up far better than the “no-mance” who spend so much time tonight on the hammock.

We’re going to end this now before this update gets any weirder. For some other news from the feeds, head over to this link! Also, you can sign up now to get some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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