‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: The Veto winner and what it means

cast -We said going into the “Big Brother 17” Power of Veto Competition that depending on what it was, there would be only a few select people who probably wanted to win it. For example, if there were prizes, why would anyone other than Johnny Mac and Jason try to go for it? It is more blood on their hands, and while Meg and James may have wanted to save their ally Jason, they may have also felt like someone else winning it would be inclined to use it, anyway.

Well, the result is one that we did not see coming: Vanessa is the one who has the power now. This makes matters somewhat interesting. As of right now, Audrey is the name being mentioned as a backdoor target, and Shelli putting her up more or less equals Vanessa putting her up. If you remember last week, Vanessa told people she didn’t want to do that because of Audrey being transgender and how that would look with the LGBT community. Whether or not that was a genuine reason or an excuse to execute her plan of getting out Jeff will be something we find out now.

For those wondering, Johnny Mac almost won the Veto a third straight week, and that makes us very worried about his status going into Thursday. Jason already has Meg and James, and if he can get three more votes, a tie can be forced here. John is a big Veto threat if nothing else, and he doesn’t have that many allies who are locked-in. Sure, we assume he would have Becky and maybe Steve for sure, but they may be convinced to flip if it is better for their game.

There were paint bombs, just in case you were wondering. This is a messy competition.

We’ll be back later with more on what the Veto fallout is, but we imagine the choice being between either keeping nominations the same in hopes of trying to get out Jason, or putting up Audrey, knowing that most everyone will evict her and few will be mad at Shelli for it.

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