‘Big Brother 17’ review: James Huling vs. Jeff Weldon and the next HoH competition

cast -We’re going to begin our live review for tonight’s “Big Brother 17” with a reminder to ourselves: This is probably going to be a boring episode. Therefore, isn’t it best not to get our hopes up at all? If we do, we may just be setting ourselves up for a little bit if disappointment down the road.

Ultimately, the show did exactly what we expected when it comes to the edit at first … save for that random “love triangle” segment that was blown way out of proportion. Then, we had the vote! It was reasonably closer than we expected it to be, but the end result was ultimately the same. Jeff was sent home, but he can at least feel good about how hard he campaigned … but probably not so good about his game as a whole. He did get some surprising support from the twins, though, and that would not make Austin happy! He also did get a vote from Steve, which was even more surprising.

Yet, we’re not going to miss Jeff that much. He got a mostly good edit on the show given what we saw on the feeds, and James is at least a bigger character even if he is far from a mastermind in his own right.

Note to Judas: Stop trying to make Judas happen. Also, don’t mimic Rachel Reilly in the DR. Nobody comes between Rachel and her catchphrases!

HoH Competition – The funniest part of this was that apparently the show paid for two dance routines, and by golly they were going to give us two dance routines! Shelli and Liz / Julia won Head of Household, which means more than likely that the same side of the house is probably going to remain in power. We’d watch out if we were James, Jason, Meg, or possibly even Audrey at this point … but probably not Audrey.

This was a strange night in the end. There was no Takeover (guess we’re not ready for it), and there was a ton of wasted time just spent on questions at the end of the show. Maybe their takeover person bailed, or they expected the competition to last longer. Grade: B-.

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