‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Who won the Battle of the Block?

cast -Maybe we have started to be spoiled by “Big Brother 17” as of late. This is not a season that has forced us to wait a ridiculously long time at all to see the results of any competition, but it took more than three hours this time to figure out who won the Battle of the Block.

But first (to quote Julie Chen), a quick reminder! Going into this competition the plan was to get Johnny Mac to throw the BOB again, that was James and him would stay on the block. We’re not sure that he knew about Jeff being the backdoor target, but he knew that James was someone that Vanessa wanted out of the game. They wanted to ensure that she remained in power over Austin, who had nominated Jason and Meg in hopes that they could pull off the win here.

The one problem that we had with this decision was mostly that you were setting yourself up for Jason / Meg to lose, since even if John throws this, Meg hasn’t shown any challenge prowess at all. Jason has been at least solid.

With that said, the plan was a success. Jason and Meg won, Austin was removed from power, and Vanessa is now sole HoH. Everything has worked with the plan so far, but we will see if that lasts. Apparently, the competition was a difficult one that involved some sort of maze. It may have been an easy one for John to throw, depending on how much teamwork was required. Granted, John said that this was the second straight competition he didn’t even have to throw, really.

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