‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Vanessa and Austin’s suggested moves

Vanessa -We admit that we were very thrilled to see Vanessa and Austin win Head of Household on “Big Brother 17” tonight, mostly because they both have shown themselves to be really good players. They are smart, social, and they seem to have a decent alliance now with Liz / Julia, Clay, and Shelli involved. Sleeper Cell is the name. Steve and Johnny Mac aren’t officially in it, but they are hovering on the outside to a certain extent.

So what are their early plans? It seems that Austin in particular is rather keen now to backdoor Jeff, who he feels almost has been playing all sides of the house and really been kind of a jerk. He’s also heard through the grapevine that he could be targeting him, and this is therefore a little bit of a preemptive strike.

With that said, Austin and Vanessa realize that it is probably better for her to remain HoH, mostly because she will not be as big of a target a little bit later on down the road than he will just due to his appearance alone.

While we cannot tell you who the likely pawns are going to be for the Battle of the Block, we imagine that it will be some combination of James, Meg, Jackie, Becky, and maybe someone from the alliance if there is a “throw” plan being put into place. They don’t want to stick John or Steve up there again after two weeks of having to play in the Battle of the Block, and it also seems a little like they want to keep Audrey … provided that she lays low this week and doesn’t make things harder on them.

Ultimately, this is gonna be fun to watch, especially if Austin and Vanessa are able to keep the backdoor Jeff plan quiet until it happens.

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