‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Meg’s revelation and other late-night silliness

Meg -Today will mark the Veto Ceremony in the “Big Brother 17” house, but we are not going to sit here and act like there is going to be a whole lot of drama with it. After all, it has virtually been set in stone at this point what is going to happen.

Last night, Shelli told Meg that she is going to be the replacement nominee, mostly because she needs someone close to Da’Vonne to sit on the block alongside her. Meg claims that she is okay with it so long as this isn’t something that happens almost every week; in other words, she plays this perfectly. Meg’s obviously not going to forget this and she could go after Shelli again later as a result of it. The Veto Ceremony should happen later today, and we don’t anticipate much drama coming as a result of that.

More of the comedy came last night with a random talk show that took place in the house, one that included Vanessa talking more about her past (to a certain extent, as she claims that she only gambled professionally for two years), James getting a kiss on the cheek from Meg, and Jeff being … well, Jeff. He’s easily been the most frustrating guy in the house so far this season.

The next couple of days will be interesting, mostly to see if Da’Vonne can actually mount an offensive. Her only real argument here is that she can turn herself into a weapon to take down Shelli, Clay, and that side of the house. Do something similar to what Godfrey did when he was on the block against Jordan.

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