‘Orange is the New Black’ season 3 premieres early on Netflix; stream away!

Orange is the new blackHow about this for a surprise? Rather than having to sit around tonight watching primetime or thinking you are going to have to stay up late for the “Orange is the New Black” premiere, you don’t have to! While at #OrangeCon today, Netflix decided to do a very kind thing and release the entire season several hours early. This means there is no more waiting to see what happens to Piper and company, and that there could theoretically be some people out there who are done watching all of this by noon tomorrow. (Whoever tries that feat, we salute you.)

The tweet below confirms the good news, and it is already spreading online like wildfire.

What we are going to be curious about in a couple of weeks’ time is strictly whether or not this series can get the same buzz that it did for the first two years. The thing that is always going to go against this show is simply the fact that the episodes all air at the same time, and very few people can actually chat concurrently about what happens until it is over. Also, you get a ton of buzz for a few weeks, and then it becomes hard to really differentiate the episodes depending on how you watch. For us, for example, we have that with season 4 of “Arrested Development.”

The only thing that we’ll tease is that there is at least one significant departure coming…

We will be having some more coverage of this season a little bit down the road, so look out for that! Also, click here for some of the latest news we have in regards to the new season, or sign up here to get some other TV updates on all we cover, sent right to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Netflix.)

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