‘The Bachelorette’: Chris Harrison on Ryan McDill’s antics with Kaitlyn Bristowe, cast

Ryan -Last night’s season premiere of “The Bachelorette” was often wacky, but only on a few separate occasions would we say that the wackiness really worked. Having two Bachelorettes out there proved to be just as much of a hot mess as we assumed that it was going to be going in, and then to go along with that, we had the entire drunken situation with Ryan McDill. This is a guy who showed up and seemingly got blasted within an incredibly tiny period of time, and ended up grabbing Kaitlyn Bristowe’s butt, taking off most of his clothes, and starting confrontations with other contestants when they would approach him with concerns.

Basically, he had no real self-awareness as to what the show or the night was supposed to be about, and that was actually trying to find something resembling love and making a good first impression. Usually this is a show that shares almost every bit of drama that they can to make the show interesting; in this situation, though, host Chris Harrison tells TV Guide that there is so much more with this guy that did not even make it off the cutting-room floor:

“That was just the tip of the iceberg and we just wanted to show enough to make viewers aware at why we were sending him home. He made a complete ass of himself and went way beyond the line of decency. Crossing that line of grabbing Kaitlyn wasn’t OK and he was starting fights. I actually ended up feeling sorry for the guy. I didn’t know how the exit would go. He had been so adversarial all night. I thought he’d come out and start a fight with me and I was prepared to get slugged in the face. That was the first time I ever thought, ‘This could go badly.'”

By the end of this season, we’re sure that there will be at least a few other guys who embarrass themselves … but probably not this horribly. A word to the wise here: If you know that you have a problem drinking and getting crazy, just don’t drink on the first night! Or, impose a limit on yourself so that you maybe have one drink (enough to take away the nerves), but not enough to take away your wardrobe.

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