‘The Flash’ season 1 finale spoilers: The possibility of death

Reverse Flash -With many season finales of some of your favorite shows, there is a specific strategy that you really do have to employ: Expect the worst thing imaginable to happen to some of your favorite characters. It is not above any show to remove someone beloved, though not all of them are going to be so cruel as to do what we’ve seen from “Downton Abbey,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” or “The Walking Dead.”

What is somewhat surprising about the CW – DC Universe is that when you think about, they really have not killed off many people. Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson are still alive on “Arrow,” and while Ra’s al Ghul seems to be dead, the Lazarus Pits are still out there. Meanwhile, many of the meta-humans on “The Flash” are still out there.

Does this mean that the Reverse Flash a.k.a. Eobard Thawne makes it through the season 1 finale? For the time being, you are left to speculate based on the latest tease from Tom Cavanagh to E! News:

“I don’t want to say yes or no … But the episode where I killed Cisco, that felt like a season finale in some ways. There was so much stuff we got to do in episode 15. So now we have to ramp it up. What’s really great about our season finale is that it’s very gratifying in the same way episode 15 was.”

We feel like we should take a minute here once again to emphasize just how amazing episode 15 really was. “Out of Time” may very well be our favorite episode of the entire season, even if the majority of it ended up having a far different impact than we first imagined due to the time travel.

Just in case this tease is not enough for you (and we imagine that it won’t be, understandably), head over here to see a lengthier preview for the finale! Also, sign up now to score some other TV updates on all we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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