‘Better Call Saul’ episode 8 review: A little sunshine goes a long way

Better Call Saul season 1The further into “Better Call Saul” we get, the more that we are enjoying this series as a whole. The characters are becoming more complex, and it turns out that this story of “elder law” is becoming something far more substantial. It’s about to turn into the biggest case of Jimmy McGill’s life.

Through some extensive research and some help from his brother Chuck, Jimmy managed to set up a massive lawsuit against the nursing home that houses many of his clients. It started with him just wanting to ensure that they were not overcharged, but then these two discovered so much more: RICO penalties and a variety of other issues that could cause this situation to balloon out of control. There is a lot of money in this case, and in a way, the adrenaline and excitement of it all may have been how Chuck got his groove back.

Do we think that Chuck’s electricity issue started at first as some sort of physical ailment? Most likely, but in the end it was largely mental, and him going outside without even a second thought proved that. He may have finally conquered that hurdle, and is now ready to fully be at his brother’s side as they go after a $20 million settlement. The only thing that may stand in their way? The fact that, as Kim noted, Chuck technically works for a different firm.

For those who love the Mike storyline, tonight also proved to be a small but worthy introduction into why he starts doing some shady business. He sees it solely as a way to get his family some more money to live a better life.

In the end, this episode may have been at times slow-moving, but it remains in the end sensational. Grade: A-.

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(Photo: AMC.)

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