‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 2 spoilers: Clark Gregg on Coulson’s Skye dilemma

Agents of SHIELD -Is there a possibility for great chaos coming on Marvel’s “Agents of SHIELD“? What we will say is that there is a possibility that, in order to protect the good of all people, Coulson may have to do a few things that he really does not want to do.

One of these particular things would be to have to detain or destroy Skye in some way, in the event that her powers become a little too much more most everyone to bear. This is someone who is still learning about who she really is, and we are still only at the beginning of this Inhumans storyline. Anything can happen, and as Clark Gregg says in a new interview with Zap2It, this is really something that he has to prepare himself for:

“His no. 1 job is to be responsible for SHIELD, which he views as being responsible for the safety of billions of people from things they don’t know about. That’s what SHIELD is. No matter how much he loves Skye — and it’s as much as you can love somebody — it’s the closest thing to a daughter he has. That’s a sacred trust … I hope he doesn’t get put in that situation [where she is a threat] because it would mess him up.”

If Coulson becomes messed up, we become messed up.

Ultimately, we feel like this is a situation that we’ll start to get a few more answers for as time progresses, and we get a little bit closer to the end of this season. This Inhumans plot is not a fly-by-night story; it has been a part of the plan for the show from the very beginning.

For some other great “Agents of SHIELD” scoop from Gregg, be sure to visit the link here right now! Also, sign up today to get some further TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)

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