‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 16, episode 12 preview: Mariska Hargitay directs

Law & Order: SVU logoWe feel like we have spent a good deal of time talking about Wednesday night’s new “Law & Order: SVU” episode when it comes to the Amaro storyline, but the one thing that we really have not done just yet is spend much time talking about the fact that Mariska Hargitay is directing. Maybe we did back a little while ago when the episode was first filming, but since that time, we haven’t spoken too much about it.

Will Mariska spend some time directing herself? Almost certainly, since this is the sort of thing that tends to happen when you are the star. With that being said, Danny Pino is going to be the focus of most of this episode. As you can see in the new sneak peek video below, Amaro bears witness to his own father’s arrest after a rehearsal dinner turns extremely south.

What he has to figure out over the course of the episode is this: How willing is he going to be to speak out against his own family for the sake of what is right? It’s a terrible situation for him to be in, and it is just one of many for the character over the past year. Just look back at him being sent away from the SVU, or what has gone on the past few weeks for him and Rollins.

We want to believe that Amaro will start to get things together in time, but this is “SVU” that we are talking about here. Nothing ever seems to be that stable for any of its characters.

(Photo: NBC.)

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