‘Agent Carter’ episode 3 preview: what lies ahead for Hayley Atwell, cast?

Agent Carter -Tonight, the Marvel universe expanded yet again with the premiere of “Agent Carter,” and based on the early reviews, this was far from the ho-hum premiere of “Agents of SHIELD.” That show took about half a season before it started to find itself; Peggy’s adventures, meanwhile, were fairly fast-paced and exciting from the start.

Now, the sad news: We are already a quarter of the way through this season, at least in terms of episode count. Yes, we know we said “season,” mostly because we are still not entirely certain as of this moment that the show is going to be ending things after just eight episodes.

Next week, the third episode of the season is going to show you more of Peggy’s mission, and also contain a few surprises in tow. Take a look at the attached synopsis:

“As Agent Carter closes in on Howard Stark’s stolen technology, Peggy’s secret mission could unravel when the SSR arrests Jarvis and a secret is revealed.”

The biggest takeaway that you can have from the extended promo below for the rest of the series is that Hayley Atwell’s character better get used to not know where everyone stands, since this is something that will be at times a pervasive theme throughout many of the episodes ahead. Even Howard Stark himself may turn out to be not who she thought he would be.

While you may be able to figure out without too much effort how this story ends, that is not really the point. Instead, we are really here about the journey.

What do you want to see moving forward on Marvel’s “Agent Carter”? Let us know your quick thoughts / predictions right away in the comments! Also, you can click here for some further updates, or sign up now to get even more great scoop on everything we cover right away via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)

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