‘Supernatural’ season 10, episode 10: A scheduling change for what lies ahead

Check it out -Supernatural” season 10 is going to return to The CW on Tuesday, January 20, but there is a change to announce here in the department of what exactly is going to air.

In a post on Twitter (see below), producer Todd Aronauer confirmed that the episode “There’s No Place Like Home” actually is going to be the January 27 installment. Why the confusion? These two episodes were filmed out of order, which happens pretty often when it comes to this show. The reason for that is pretty simple: Scheduling. Actors, particular guest stars, often have many other things going on. For example, Felicia Day has become one of the biggest web-content stars out there, and constantly has a lot on her plate.

Regardless of which episode airs when, this is a time of great celebration for the show! The midseason finale ended up drawing some of the best ratings that the show has had in many years, and it is making good on having “The Flash” as a lead-in.

The one thing that we are curious about is if we could end up seeing this show on the move at some point in the spring. Why? This show is very independent of its lead-in, and can draw good ratings just about everywhere. Meanwhile, The CW may want to take advantage of “The Flash” to launch a new show like “iZombie” after it. We are just speculating about this subject at the moment; personally, we hope that “Supernatural” stays where it is.

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