‘The Bachelor’ spotlight: Will Amber James, Chris Soules be perfect mix?

Amber -We’re continuing today our “Bachelor” contestant spotlight series, and specifically, we are doing it with someone in Amber James who is still somewhat enigmatic to us. We know her job, her social skills, and that she wants love, but in our search, there was not a whole lot else readily available save for a little thing here or there.

With that in mind, the majority of the information that we have for you below is coming courtesy of the ABC bio page.

Age – 29

Hometown – Chicago, Illinois. She’s at least reasonably close to Chris’ neck of the woods already, even if she is much more into the big city.

Occupation – Bartender. We couldn’t dig up a whole lot of her personal history, other than that she was apparently at one point voted Chicago’s hottest female server.

Bio highlights – She would like to be a zookeeper! Well, if she goes out to the country, we at least know that she could spend a little bit of time around some more domesticated animals.

Positives – With her job you have to be social, and be able to communicate with anyone. She probably is going to know how to hit it off with Chris very well in the early going, and stand out a little bit from the crowd. She also lists one of her favorite moments as “The Lion King,” which may mean that she is no so cynical as to turn up her nose at this whole experience.

Negatives – We have a hard time, at least right now, envisioning Amber as someone who wants to move away from a really bit city, even if you can be a bartender anywhere. The truth here, though, is that it’s hard to really search for information when your name is Amber James. It makes finding potential negatives a little harder.

Prediction – We could see Amber making it past the first few weeks in California, if for no other reason than that she is going to have a big personality. Maybe she clashes with the other women, or maybe she just doesn’t make a deep emotional connection with Chris. Either way, she’s probably not getting more than a single one-on-one date.

We’re going to have further “Bachelor” spotlights every day until the premiere, and you can see all of them by heading over to this link. Also, be sure to sign up in the event you want further TV scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

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