‘Last Week Tonight’ finale: John Oliver attacks David Letterman, Jon Stewart with salmon

John Oliver has certainly had himself quite a year on “Last Week Tonight,” hasn’t he? The comedian crossed over to HBO earlier this year after a great run on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” and by and large produced some of the funniest, strongest pieces that were out there. His bit about pomegranate juice was hysterical, as was his use of Nintendo characters when talking about LGBT representation in the company’s video games.

In closing things off, though, he accomplished a particularly rare feat: Engaging in a little bit of fun with a “salmon cannon,” which he used to fire off variations of the fish to just about every entertainment outlet under the sun. Everyone from Jon Stewart to David Letterman to even Homer Simpson had to deal with these fish to a certain degree, and you have to give a whole lot of people right now credit for being willing to engage in such nonsense.

Luckily, we imagine that Oliver is going to be able to keep having fun with this for a long time moving forward. His show proved to be a huge success both on HBO and also on YouTube; it is one of the rare times when the premium cable makes most of their content readily available, but it seemed to pay off in big dividends.

After all, future viewers may be attracted to the network based on what they saw online, and in not forcing Oliver to do a new episode every week, they are also allowing him to really have some time to recharge the batteries.

What did you think both of the finale for “Last Week Tonight,” and the entire season as a whole? Share with a comment right now.

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