‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 16, episode 6 review: The legend of Glasgowman

Law & Order: SVU logoEvery now and then, “Law & Order: SVU” comes out with an episode that is so different from the rest, we cannot help but give them a little round of applause. Sixteen seasons in, we cannot imagine just how tricky this challenge really is.

Tonight’s episode was entitled “Glasgowman’s Warth,” and it was all sorts of creepy courtesy of the main storyline: A stabbing incident regarding young women in the woods, who were all supposedly chasing after some sort of urban legend.

This “legend” was really just a mentally-unstable man who was living in the woods, and despite him being arrested as a suspect, he was at least eventually cleared. It turns out that one of the young women at the center of the episode was also suffering from some instability, and that ended up being how this case started to unfold.

When the last new episode of the show aired two weeks ago, we admittedly felt entirely depressed. Why? There’s nothing worse than seeing a case devoid of any justice. This was a feeling that we felt to a certain extent at the end of this one, as well. The question that you may be asking yourself is this: Was this justice at all? Seeing one of the girls responsible for the stabbing get admitted to a psychiatric center seemed to be just beating the system, especially due to the little pinky-handshake moment at the very end.

While still a little sad at the end, this was a pretty strong episode of “SVU.” It at least will remain memorable for some time. Grade: B.

(Photo via NBC.)

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