‘Doctor Who’ season 8 finale spoilers: Will the real Clara please stand up?

Doctor Who -In just a week’s time, the finale for “Doctor Who” season 8 will be here in “Death in Heaven,” an excellently-titled hour of TV that is hopefully going to give us some closure when it comes to the current storyline.

What is at the center of that? To us, it is really just as much about Clara as the Doctor. The Time Lord is ever-lasting, and there will be other companions long after she leaves. This is the story about if it is possible for her and Danny Pink to actually have a life together, or if she really ever existed in the first place.

We’re still somewhat doubtful on this whole “Clara Oswald never existed” nonsense, mostly because this could just be some sort of manipulation by Missy the Master or someone else. Plus, we’ve already been through the whole Impossible Girl journey already.

We feel like the most important thing about this episode long-term is gauging the future of Jenna Coleman on the series. While there were initial denials on the report that Coleman would leave the show following the Christmas Special, the trail has since gone rather quiet. If she does choose to depart, this would be when we could start to see some elements play out. We would miss her if she goes, but this is the natural order of things and she has been around for a significant chunk of the story now, including both the 50th anniversary special and the end of Matt Smith’s time as the character.

What do you want to see during the “Doctor Who” finale? Share with a comment right now, and head over here to get our full take on last night’s “Dark Water” right now. Also, sign up now to get some other TV updates teleported right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo via BBC.)


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