‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ preview: Jacqueline Laurita’s meeting and more

It feels almost like things are starting to finally calm down a little for “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” It’s either that, or we are just in a temporary few moments before things get crazy again. After all, we do know that there is a reunion special still to come, and through all of its various parts, we’re sure that there will be many more highlights. After all, it was filmed after the prison sentence came in.

This new sneak peek for Sunday night’s new episode is basically just a variety of different highlights related to the show, and it is full of a few interesting moments. Someone else is angry at Teresa, and the twins have an opportunity to meet Jacqueline Laurita, who has come out of nowhere to be almost an enormous part of the show again for some reason.

We wonder what would happen with this show if you were to strip away all of the storylines that are related to this or that character starting a rumor, and all of the fighting that came up as a big result of that. Would there even still be a show anymore to discuss? We’re not quite so sure.

Still, this is probably going to be an episode that many out there are entertained by, at least provided that you continue to enjoy these familiar storylines. At this point, they may as well be firmly drilled into the ground.

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