‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Why Donny didn’t rat out Team America
When it comes to strategy, Sunday night has been a wasteland on the “Big Brother 16” live feeds. There was not a whole lot that happened, and really we’re isolating two events that are interesting more in terms of how production (and also how Derrick) influenced the game.
Verification on Team America – Finally, we know the answer to one key question: Why in the world Donny never tried to out Team America as a strategy to get himself further in the game. According to a conversation between the other two members of this alliance, Donny doing so would have resulted in him having to forfeit all of the money he earned during the tasks. Therefore, This twist was forced upon him, and it is kind of unfair that he couldn’t ever use it to his advantage and just have it end if the alliance was ever revealed to everyone else.
Dear “Big Brother,” please don’t ever do this twist again. It really ruined Zach’s game, and it also made Donny look clueless at the end end when we did not know that he was contractually obligated to keep this a secret.
Victoria’s fate – While Victoria can not be told 100% she’s going home, Derrick basically figured out a way to tell her that she is leaving the game without making himself look bad in the process. Basically, she’s bummed out, and legitimately thought for some reason that she and Derrick were going to make it all the way to the end of the game. As for why she thought that, remember that she was an uber-pawn almost the entire time that she was around.
Remember that even if Derrick voted to keep her, Frankie would hold the tiebreaker and get her out.
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Photo: CBS