‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Nominations, and possible surprises to come

Big Brother -Do you know how on those cop shows, there are people who see things in black and white terms, and also those who tend to see all sorts of different shades of gray? Well, that is the difference between people like Derrick and Caleb on “Big Brother 16.”

When it comes to the latter, his view is very linear: He wants the five remaining Detonators to be the final five, and does not care about how it happens. He nominated Nicole and Christine today, and in the event that Nicole wins the Veto, Victoria becomes the backdoor option.

However, in the event that Nicole actually does do this, we’re not sure Caleb gets his desired result. Why? Derrick wants to keep Victoria, and he has himself and Cody as a pretty strong voting block. All he then has to do is ensure that Nicole joins him in voting out Christine, and that shouldn’t be that hard. Even if Frankie doesn’t budge, there is nothing that Caleb could do about it. Almost everyone at this point realizes that Victoria’s game status at the moment is Ultimate Final 2 Bait. It will be very hard to get of her in this game unless Derrick ever decides to get her out.

Caleb could in the end be shocked, and the terrible thing for him here is that he cannot play in Head of Household this coming Thursday and might be really angry. If Caleb does turn on everyone, Frankie is the big winner, given that it could buy him somehow a little more time in the game.

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Photo: CBS

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