‘Big Brother 16’ review: An eviction, Christine’s husband, and what did Team America vote?

Nicole -Tonight’s “Big Brother 16” was ironically intense mostly for one reason: Finding out whether or not Team America voted yes or no to giving $5,000 over a play.

We were torn over the idea of this vote to begin with. Did we think the play was awful? Sure, but we also didn’t feel too great about taking $5,000 away from Donny when he could use the cash. The only reason we ultimately voted no was because Donny himself in the Diary Room last night seemed okay with the notion of not getting money for this silly mission.

Well … it was OVERWHELMING. You gotta love Julie Chen for the choice of words here, and that she deliberately threw the dagger into Frankie’s heart.

Christine’s husband – Well, this was awkward, right? We weren’t sure Tim was going to get much of a forum on the show, but he did tonight! This entire segment was crazy, mostly because Christine’s mom seemed more angry than Tim was. She even claimed at one point that she just wanted her gone from the game soon.

Eviction – Going into the show tonight, this was something that really was a little touch-and-go. We feel like Donny had the votes at one point, but then Caleb and Cody eventually swung it back more in Nicole’s direction to stay in the game.

Donny’s exit interview was just as you would expect: Sincere, and also sweet. We also found out through this that Donny’s got a gig on “The Bold and the Beautiful”! We hope he gets to place an ex-military genius astronaut scientist or something.

It was official that the vote was unanimous to keep Nicole, and of course Derrick and Frankie tried to play up how sorry they were to America. To be fair, the do did try to campaign for him … but that was after working to ensure he lost the Veto. So they didn’t try that hard.

Head of Household Competition – It’s endurance, and finally! We’re going to have a separate article up soon at this link, and you will be able to follow it along for some live updates.

Photo: CBS

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