‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: America sabotages Frankie, Twitter drama, more

Caleb -We want to compile a few separate things into this “Big Brother 16” story, if for no other reason than that this is going to be a disjointed one full of things that don’t have a whole lot to do with each other.

America’s voice – Yet again, somebody managed to get close enough to the house to start shouting things. This time, it was someone with a bullhorn shouting that Frankie is the saboteur and not to be trusted. Cody and Caleb seemed to hear this, but production ushered everyone inside not too long after that.

Is this going to really work? Probably not, since Caleb is already writing this off as a fan of Donny’s just trying to stir stuff up. Still, it’s interesting that this has happened multiple times this game, as there previously fans trying to save Zach from being voted out while also insulting Frankie.

Fans online – We hate this part of it. Derrick’s wife earlier today deleted her Twitter account after some fan trolled her with pictures of her husband and Victoria (which were innocent, but skewed in a bad way) along with captions that she should get divorce papers ready.

How awful are some fans out there? We don’t get why people choose to go after family members so much just because of some in a game. Derrick’s said some rough stuff at times this season, but his wife, and no family member of anyone, deserves hate. The same goes for Christine’s husband.

All quiet – Otherwise, there is not a whole lot going on in the house, and we are still in the midst of a waiting game until the Veto Ceremony Monday.

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Photo: CBS

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