‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Donny deflection, Head of Household talk
As much as we wanted the Head of Household Competition on “Big Brother 16” tonight to be endurance, it seems much more likely at this point to be a memory game. Based on all the creepy-themed information handed out in the house last night, there will probably be typical questions for the houseguests to answer.
What is a little more interesting to us right now is the supposed play by some of the players to sabotage Donny’s chances of winning after he spent less time remembering and more time sleeping last night. Nicole has been trying to coach him, but much of the time she has done so, another person has entered the mix and offered up some subtle form of sabotage.
Nicole is almost certainly leaving tonight; she knows it, and is really not even making much of an effort to put up a fight. We cannot really blame her, given that there is really only so much a person can do after campaigning for a couple of nights to no avail.
Player of the Week – This one is easy … and definitely not Frankie. It’s Derrick, who somehow managed to completely make Victoria blame herself and Zach for him having an alliance with other people. Also, he made Zach blame himself for spreading information almost via mind control. He has three final two deals, and yet has all of them convinced that they are the real one, and that they do not even need to talk to each other. Unless Donny wins HoH tonight, this guy probably still has nothing to worry about … unless Zach finally gets some power and realizes that it’s time to make a big move.
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Photo: CBS