‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Was the Power of Veto used?
Julie Chen has been keen to mention on “Big Brother 16” this week that every time the Power of Veto has been in play this season, someone has used it. Not only that, but the majority of the time the person backdoored has gone home. The only real exception there came when Paola was sent home after Devin tried to get rid of Zach.
Well, there will be no backdoor plot this time around. Despite Nicole’s hopes to get Frankie out this week, Christine stuck to her guns and did not use the Veto on Jocasta. This means that we’re left with Jocasta and Zach, and an endgame for the week that is somewhat predictable. More than likely, here is what is going to happen.
1. Jocasta will do absolutely nothing, and Donny will probably run around campaigning for her. All of this is ironic since Zach is one of the few people who actually had his back earlier in the game.
2. Zach will probably realize at some point that something is off, and then really start campaigning hard to save his game. In doing this, he’ll probably sink his own ship.
As of right now, Caleb and Frankie are most likely the lock votes to keep Zach, while Donny, Hayden, and Victoria are most likely locks to keep Jocasta. Whatever way Cody, Derrick, and Christine go will be the way that the week goes … and they are currently leaning towards getting Zach out. For entertainment purposes, this is a huge bummer since nobody else is really bringing it personality-wise.
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Photo: CBS