‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The Veto winner; a big decision
When we first heard the players for the “Big Brother 16” Power of Veto Competition, the one thing that we wondered was whether or not all of the participants would use the Veto if they won it. After all, nobody wants to make easy enemies in the house.
In that article earlier, we said that Hayden was the one winner we were worried about. He has made zero strategic moves in the game, and he also seems to be there more to just hang out than actually try to bring anyone to tears. Not playing the Veto for him would be an easy way to not ruffle feathers.
Ironically, this is a week where doing nothing may make more people angry. Hayden realizes this, and he therefore plans to get Victoria taken off the block. For the time being, backdooring Amber is still the plan that everyone has signed off on. She hates Zach, is working more with the other side, is a competition threat, and she’s a distraction for Caleb from the rest of the game. Frankie knows that Caleb will stay loyal, and the only issue that comes from this is making sure that he is okay with it. If he puts up a stink the next few days, then we could theoretically see him getting backdoored instead.
There are still two days until the Veto Ceremony, and therefore plenty of opportunities for things to change around and for more people to go on Frankie’s radar. So don’t write in Amber as the one going home with a permanent marker just yet.
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Photo: CBS