‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Who is safe thanks to the Battle of the Block?
If there is one great thing we can commend the “Big Brother 16” producers for when it comes to the Battle of the Block (other than it, of course, being a great replacement for the Have / Have-Not Competition), it is that they don’t have it be too overwhelming a time hog on the live feeds. It takes about a couple of hours, but then the feeds return and we find out the winner.
If you recall from earlier, Frankie nominated Amber / Jocasta while Cody put up Victoria / Brittany, and we know now that the former group won! This means that for the second time Frankie is no longer HoH, and Cody is the only one with power in the game for the rest of the week.
What does all of this mean? For the time being, it’s probably a little too early to say. We’ve heard Donny’s name come up as a backdoor target, and if Cody does it, the great news for Frankie is that this doesn’t have him betraying Team America. If the nominations stay the same, Victoria is the sort of perfect person to get out of the house this week. She’s not a good player, she brings almost nothing to the show, and she doesn’t seem to have any real alliances. The closest thing that she has right now is Derrick, who just made a little side pact with her as an additional way for him to keep his options open.
Granted, Brittany is the more dangerous player of the two. She’s competitive, has some allies now in the game (Jocasta and by association Donny), and has a story and personality that could win people over in the game.
The Veto will be tomorrow, and as we have said for a while, this is a long week with plenty more of good stuff to come.
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Photo: CBS