‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Caleb and Derrick’s future plans
While today has not necessarily been a big one for the members of the “Big Brother 16” house, there has been at least a little bit of progress in the department of Caleb and his colony of crazy.
After spending most of the past few weeks completely obsessing over Amber, he’s starting to get so perturbed by how much time that she spends with Cody that he’s starting to realize that he doesn’t want to protect her anymore. Therefore, while he is not planning to nominate her anytime soon, he will no longer protect her if she’s in trouble during the game. He made this clear to Derrick, and it seemed to make everyone slightly more relieved about the future.
Meanwhile, he and Derrick both agreed that the next two people to leave the game should be Jocasta and Brittany. In the case of the former, getting rid of her really isolates Donny further, and also keeps a sub-alliance from forming there. Meanwhile, Brittany is someone who they see as capable. While there’s a sentiment that Victoria doesn’t deserve to make it to jury, we personally feel like she is almost bound for the final five or so since she is so completely useless to the game and has done absolutely nothing other than take part in the Battle of the Block.
The other thing to note tonight is that there was an indoor lockdown, but we’d be shocked if there was an endurance Head of Household tomorrow. We’d expect more a Q&A based competition, with endurance being saved for next week. The end of week 4 is typically when the gimmicks end, and we expect the Battle of the Block and the two HoHs twist to end around then.
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Photo: CBS