‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Waiting on the Veto Ceremony
Sunday truly was one of the few relatively-boring days in the “Big Brother 16” house, mostly because of the fact that there was no Power of Veto Ceremony, and everyone at this point is basically waiting for that moment to happen.
So what we had by and large was some planning for the future beyond this week, and how there could be some big trouble ahead for Donny if he decides not to use the Power of Veto. While most believe that he is going to use it to save Jocasta, him not using it, per Derrick, means that he will suddenly be a target for next week. This may be true right now, but Donny may be also smart enough to realize that this is a chance for him to get a counter-alliance going in the house.
Think about it for a minute. He is so concentrated on “the eight,” and if these people all want to backdoor Devin, he may realize that he is not a part of this “eight” anymore. Trying to get together with a group like Jocasta, Brittany, Nicole, and now Devin could give him some power, especially if Caleb ends up evicted this week. That puts the Bomb Squad really down to just five members, given that Christine was never really a part of it in the first place.
Granted, the entire paragraph preceding this was pure speculation; there has been little to no evidence that Donny is interested or is even capable of anything like this.
Elsewhere, the Zach / Frankie alliance seems to be back on good footing again despite their struggles earlier on this season, and they are trying to plot for the future by looking at Amber as a relative threat. Zach, meanwhile, still has many hurdles ahead of him thanks to this ridiculous Team America task that looks like it will do nothing other than blow up Derrick’s game. He is really trying with it, while Frankie doesn’t really seem like he cares about the $5,000 at all.
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Photo: CBS