‘Supernatural’ season 10 spoilers: Who’s interacting with Jensen Ackles’ Dean now?
Is Demon Dean going to get into some trouble in “Supernatural” season 10? At the moment, signs are definitely pointing towards “yes.”
One of the major reasons for that is thanks to what we are hearing right now about the upcoming second episode of the season. According to TVLine, one particular event that you can expect to see on the show is Jensen Ackles’ character have some sort of “intense fling” with Ann Marie, a waitress at a roadhouse who has a harder side to her. However, at the same time you may still find herself rooting for her (don’t you just loved layered characters like that?)
If someone was to go back into the history of “Supernatural” and point out waitress characters that got involved in the story, you would probably end up finding a pretty unique tapestry of people. Given that Sam and Dean are almost always on the road, it only seems natural that they would eat at many local cafes (especially since the last thing that The CW wants to do is give free press to some fast-food joint that they find on the interstate). Also, given that they are most often single, it also makes sense that they would be down with a little bit of flirting from time to time.
As for whether or not anything important comes of this, that remains to be seen. However, we do feel at the moment like the last thing that we would want around us if we were a waitress was a demon. Nothing good can come from that.
If you want to get some further teases right now on the rest of “Supernatural” season 10, our simple suggestion is to head over to the link here right now. Also, you can sign up if you’re interested in grabbing some other TV updates via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: The CW
July 12, 2014 @ 10:45 am
Can’t wait to see how this plays out. Dean and his women lol ;)