‘Longmire’ season 3 spoilers: More teases on Walt’s big case

Throughout most of “Longmire” season 3 so far, we have seen Walt try to figure out the answer to something that has haunted him so long, it is a part of who he is: Who is responsible for killing his wife?

While we cannot tell you just yet if the third season will close the door on this story, we can at least say for now that it will be addressed extensively in the tenth episode later this summer, which carries with it the somewhat-ominous title of “Ashes to Ashes.” Specifically, his mission here will be twofold: Solving this murder, and also resolving the case of Henry that has been a major plot point all season, as well.

We do understand the conflict that comes with trying to figure out when is the right time for a show to solve one of its big mysteries. If “Longmire” returns and the death of Walt’s wife is in the past, you run into a similar problem that “The Mentalist” had without Red John: What else is there to tackle? How do you move the main character forward and still have them be driven? Until “The Mentalist” really tried to put the emphasis on Patrick Jane and his relationship with Lisbon, they struggled with finding their place in the world.

With “Longmire,” we anticipate there being some similar issues, but it feels like the gamble is worth taking to solve the mystery this year, and then trying to find him a new focus and a new passion in the future. You don’t know if there will be another season for certain, and you can cross the problem of that story when you come to it. We do understand that there is logic in leaving the mystery open-ended to try and press your network to renew you, but we’ve seen enough examples of this not working for us to be nervous.

What’s your take on this: Should the main “Longmire” mystery be resolved this season? Share your thoughts with a comment.

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