‘Doctor Who’ season 8 teaser, now with Peter Capaldi’s shadow

The latest -Well, the BBC really does not have much of an interest in giving you anything too tangible to grasp onto when it comes to “Doctor Who” season 8. Instead, you have something like the teaser video below … which is mostly just another reminder that the show is coming in August and virtually nothing else.

The biggest thing to take away from this teaser is mostly just that the network was not just using the 50th anniversary of the series last year as an excuse to promote the heck out of the show. They have ever intention instead of continuing to do this year-round. There is already good buzz floating out there regarding Capaldi’s skill as a Doctor, and he brings such a different take to the character in that he’s sharp, but also pensive and reflective. He has a little bit of an edge to him that could take the character in some dark directions, but also a tiny bit of the whimsy that we found in Matt Smith’s incarnation.

As for when there will be a more precise release date for the show announced, we fear that you will be waiting for quite a long time. The network likely feels no pressure to speed things along, and traditionally they do not release such information until they absolutely have to in order to get the word out. Therefore, we could see it being July before the date is set. The only thing that may speed things along in this case is that BBC America likes to promote a little more in advance.

If you do want to read some additional news now related to “Doctor Who,” our suggestion is to visit the link here. Also, be sure to sign up today to obtain some further great TV updates courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: BBC

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