‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 15 finale review: Nick’s jail woes, Benson’s baby gain

Law & Order: SVU logoOlivia Benson has had a tough season on “Law & Order: SVU”, there’s no questioning that, but what is going to happen to her moving into season 16? She’s an incredibly strong woman, but even the strongest of women would have a tough time moving past what happened to her this year with Lewis and we’ve seen snippets of that pain surfacing all season – even in last week’s episode.

Last week we saw Nick get into a physical fight with Simon Wilks: A man that was acquitted by a jury over thoughts of wanting to torture children. Police broke up the fight and landed Nick in a heap of trouble. Because of the Twitter scandal a few months back, NYPD charges Nick with bail set at a half a million. Munch returns (yay!) to not only give nick a pep talk, but also to bail him out of jail. Once Nick is back on the street, Amanda, threatens Simon’s wife which leads to Simon backing down and admitting that he threw the first punch. The charges against Nick are dropped.

Benson has been on a really tough road this season after everything that happened with Lewis, but after learning that baby Noah (who she helped escape the wrong hands) is being bounced from foster care to foster care and eventually ends up being orphaned, she decides to be a foster parent and start her journey as a mother. Could this be the event she needs to move forward after so much turmoil? The moment at the end of the episode where she cradles Noah in her arms and holds him close tells us that she is starting to heal.

We loved this season finale. After a year of hell for Benson it was great to see her have a win with baby Noah (and maybe a date with that cute DA lawyer in the future?) Episode grade: A –

What did you think of the season finale of “Law & Order: SVU”? Were you happy Nick was released from jail? Are you excited for the Benson/baby story next season? Leave us a comment below and tell us what you think.

Photo: NBC

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