‘Game of Thrones’ preview: Oberyn Martell takes on The Mountain

HBOWe can’t express enough how much we love, love, love Prince Oberyn Martell on “Game of Thrones”. He’s smart, sexy and a total bad ass, but what really won us over was his visit with Tyrion in the last episode where he talked about how disturbed he was by Cersei’s treatment of Tyrion as a baby. It was a moment that had our hearts breaking for Tyrion (as they have been pretty much all season), but also endeared us to Oberyn.

When we heard that Cersei chose the Mountain to be her champion to fight against Tyrion’s champion we were immediately worried. He’s a killing machine and even though he’s a big guy, he moves fairly fast. We saw Tyrion’s brother, Jaime, turn him down as well as Tyrion’s partner in crime Bronn after he was offered a pretty sweet deal. Then we saw Oberyn offer himself to be Tyrion’s champion and it left us cheering at the top of our lungs, because we know that this is going to be one heck of a fight!

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly about this upcoming battle, showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff couldn’t help but gush over this highly anticipated scene. Weiss said:

“It’s one of the best — if not the best — combat scenes we’ve done so far. It’s not just people hacking at each other with spears and swords. It’s the culmination of 20 years of anger and hatred and thirst for vengeance coming to a head in this amazing set piece that [stunt coordinator Paul Herbert and swordmaster C.C. Smiff] have put together. The fight delivers beyond our expectations.”

“It’s a real challenge because The Mountain is The Mountain — you need to find an enormous human being who can also deliver what you need on physical front. And you need an Oberyn who delivers what you need as an actor and pull off the extremely strenuous side of that fight, which we shot over several days. We were lucky to find Pedro Pascal for Oberyn, who gives such a stunning, fun, and dangerous performance.”

Who do you think will win in a battle between Oberyn and the Mountain? Leave us a comment below and tell us what you think is going to happen. Want more “Game of Thrones” news? Then head over to the link here and we will hook you up with all kinds of scoop. Also if you want TV news sent straight to your inbox then be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter. It comes out every Sunday.

Photo: HBO

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