‘Game of Thrones’ season 4 spoilers: Daniel Portman looks at Pod – Brienne dynamic

Game of Thrones -There seems to be some sort of pattern developing when it comes to the character of Brienne on “Game of Thrones“: She has a habit going on fetch missions for other people. Through much of season 3, her primary focus was trying to make sure that Jaime Lannister made it to King’s Landing. Now, her focus is on something a little bit different: Trying to fulfill Jaime’s promise when it comes to Sansa Stark with Pod at her side.

Unfortunately, there are two problems that she is facing almost right away:

1. Outside of dealing with the ladies of the night, Pod does not seem to have a particularly great set of skills.

2. They are literally going the wrong way when it comes to finding her. They could be on the road for a while.

As for what Brienne most-likely feels about her new companion at the moment, the actor behind him in Daniel Portman may have some further insight. Just look at what he had to say in a new “Access Hollywood” interview:

“I think she feels it’s a bit of a burden, and especially with the way Pod is handed over in terms of, [it being a] favor, so she has more responsibility on her shoulders to almost look out for this guy that she’s not asked for. … But he’s useful in his ways, Pod. And he knows quite a lot of things other people wouldn’t have known because he [worked] so closely within King’s Landing and with Tyrion for so long. He knows quite a lot of things that other people might not know, so, he’s useful in his own ways.”

Hopefully, we are going to see these characters start to get along a little bit. Pod did at least earn some of her respect, after all, by saying that he helped to save Tyrion’s life during the Battle of Blackwater.

What do you want to see from Portman on “Game of Thrones” the rest of the way? Sound off below, and be sure to head over here for some further scoop on this past episode. You can also sign up now to get some additional TV scoop via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: HBO

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