‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Who the Veto winner will evict
The “Big Brother Canada 2” live feeds are ending tomorrow, but for those of you who are sad about it, what we can say for now is this: It doesn’t necessarily look like the next few days will be all that exciting when it comes to strategy.
Earlier in the day, it was revealed after a long period of feed blockage this afternoon, Jon won the final Power of Veto of the season. This gives him the power to choose between Neda and Heather as to who he wants to evict … and his choice shouldn’t be a surprise. He is not even masking the fact that he is intending to evict Heather, and she is left with a little bit of time to simmer and regret what sort of moves she made in the game. Her biggest mistake, at least according to her, was playing the game much too personally, and not really thinking about the ramifications of her actions. It’s a mistake so many others have made in the game before.
Is Heather going to be bitter? We think so. She’s a vote that Jon is going to lose for sure if he is up there at the end against Neda, though she was probably going to vote for her anywhere.
As for other interesting developments tonight, Neda told Sabrina that she never really had intentions of getting rid of Jon … which we feel is more of her covering her own rear end now in the event that he wins the final Head of Household. Yet again, this is another piece of proof at just how amazing a game-player Neda is. She’s always thinking more than a move ahead.
There is one other thing that we want to point out now: You can click here to find out how vote as a “jury member” for the finale. This is an imperfect system, though, given that you are going to have three options when the poll opens Wednesday. This could tilt things, based on someone potentially taking votes away from someone else.
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Photo: Slice