‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: The new HoH and their plan
While the Head of Household Competition in the “Big Brother Canada” house took a little while to complete, it was done long before the show actually aired on Thursday night. By the time the feeds returned during the “Side Show,” everyone was already inside trying to figure out what would happen next.
So who is the winner at this big stage of the game? Jon! This was expected, since there was a physical component to this challenge. He has a big move to try to make now with him in power, and it’s one to actually further his own game rather than Neda’s. This is why he is probably thinking about getting rid of Heather this week rather than Adel. He knows that she is likable to the jury, and we wonder if there is a part of him that knows that she is Neda’s preferred final two more so than going to the end with Jon or Adel. She’d probably prefer to have Adel out this week, given that he may opt to go to the end with Jon over her.
How upset would Heather be if she left over Sabrina? Probably pretty angry, but she’d at least have some time at jury to calm down. But in the end, this is the right move for Jon to make at this point. He needs to make it easier on himself at the end of the game, and part of that strategy includes being sure to win a competition every week, as well. He pretty much needs to win the Veto next time, since it would not altogether shock us if that is when Neda decides to do away with him and hope for the best. Is she really going to want to put her eggs in the basket of him losing the final HoH competition? That’s a risky move.
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Photo: Slice