‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 15, episode 20 video: Ice-T, Danny Pino on Lewis’ return

Law & Order: SVU logoBefore you get to Wednesday night’s critical episode of “Law & Order: SVU,” we have a couple of new video interviews to share from the show itself that give you additional insight on what Benson is going through. William Lewis is back, and of course he means business. The only difference is that this time, the “business” is probably even more gruesome and terrible than it was the first time around.

Ice-T – Listening to Ice-T talk about anything is an experience, mostly because he’s got the coolest voice ever. Seriously, “Ice -T Reads the Dictionary” would be an incredible viral video on YouTube. What we also love about this video is that Ice-T refuses to call Benson “Benson.” Instead, he continually refers to her as “Mariska,” almost like he has blended Mariska Hargitay and her character into one person.

Danny Pino -If you are looking for some more tangible scoop on the episode, Pino has it for you here. He describes the episode as “harrowing,” and one with “a ticking clock” and a major sense of urgency. Even Lewis himself, claims Pino, probably feels like there is a sense of urgency surrounding everything that he is doing. The other thing that we love about this video is that it feels like quintessential New York City. Nothing ever stops, and you see production continuing on even while Danny’s speaking to the camera. That’s also a testament to the pace in which this show operates. When you have basically nine months to make 24 episodes, you have to move with your own sense of urgency … it’s just not the same sort of panic that Benson and the other characters have to stop a beast.

We’ve said it before, but we really hope this is the final chapter for Lewis. He’s a strong character, but the more than he stays around, alive, or out of prison beyond this episode, the more unrealistic the story will become. We’re okay with some shows stretching our expectations, but not”SVU.” We hold it to a rigid standard.

Photo: NBC

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