‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Heather’s form of ‘punishment’

Heather -Friday was an immensely entertaining day in the “Big Brother Canada 2” house, and it only seems appropriate for the day to close off with something that we find to be as ridiculous as sock puppets and punishments over Rachelle eating a peach candy: Condom balloons! Yes, Adel, Jon, and Neda decided it would be funny to blow these up and start to use them as pranks.

The thing that we are mostly surprised at right now is that this is something that really hasn’t happened in the game before. Wouldn’t you just assume that this is something that would be commonplace in this house? You’ve got people bored out of their mind, and looking for any sort of escape that they can.

Somehow, this was still only our third-favorite event of the night, which may be even more evidence for just how awesome most of the live feeds actually were on the evening overall.

Runner-up moment – Rachelle trying to tell Allison that if she wins the Power of Veto and doesn’t use it, she will make sure she is safe. Seriously, Rachelle? This is the most ridiculous thing ever. Anyone who keeps themselves on the block deserves to be evicted. Don’t even wait until Thursday; just call Arisa Cox so she can strut on in there and cart them out in a straitjacket.

Best moment – Heather tricking Rachelle in the first place. While Allison (who is working now with Sabrina and Rachelle) later told her the truth, Heather told Rachelle that she was nominating her when she wasn’t. Why do that? It was “punishment” further for getting the house punished over her violating Have-Not protocol. A really silly move on Heather’s part, but still very funny.

Kenny and Allison will go up on the block tomorrow, and Kenny has already been told of his fate.

If you want to see the rest of our updates from the day including our full interview with Andrew, be sure to visit the link here. Also, sign up now to get further updates from our CarterMatt Newsletter, which are sent right to your email inbox!

Photo: Slice

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