‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Neda and Jon talk it out

Neda -Neda has not exactly been the most active force in the “Big Brother Canada 2” house, but we imagine that has in part been by design. This is a woman who came into the game saying that she wanted to win zero competitions, and play a very strategic game that was mostly under-the-radar.

Despite her early nomination, Neda has managed to do just that. She has basically zero enemies, and both her and Jon seem to be well aware of the craziness that could unfold this week. They both agreed this morning that Andrew was a big target, and that after that Allison could be a target. This is obviously the part of their plan that is a mistake, but they probably don’t know any better thanks to their knowledge of the First Five.

Both Jon and Neda are doing a good job playing to Canada in that they talk like rational people, as well; it’s not like either one of them was actually in danger of leaving this week, but still. They sympathize with Ika over the decision that she made to take the money, but agree that she went a little nuts with the way that she deliberated about it. (This is definitely the right opinion to have, given that the majority of these houseguests would have a really hard time turning away that money if it was ever handed to them.)

As for whether or not there could be anything happening in the house today planned by production, it sounds like there is preparation going on outside for a Have / Have-Not Competition. However, we learned last night that sounds can be deceiving.

Do you think that Canada’s vote is positioning Neda to be in a good spot moving forward? You can as always share below, and visit the link here to grab more news on all things related to “Big Brother Canada.” You can also sign up to get even more updates via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: Slice

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